Niv ~

List of plate armors (showing 25 of 3774 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
110600599 Dimensional Breastplate 42
110600607 Breastplate of Ascension 42
110600615 Breastplate of Ascension 42
110600654 Watch's Breastplate 42
110600723 Researcher's Breastplate 42
111600350 Dimensional Gauntlets 42
111600358 Gauntlets of Ascension 42
111600561 Dimensional Gauntlets 42
111600569 Dimensional Gauntlets 42
111600577 Gauntlets of Ascension 42
111600585 Gauntlets of Ascension 42
111600627 Watch's Gauntlets 42
111600697 Researcher's Gauntlets 42
112600334 Dimensional Shoulderplates 42
112600341 Shoulderplates of Ascension 42
112600542 Dimensional Shoulderplates 42
112600549 Dimensional Shoulderplates 42
112600556 Shoulderplates of Ascension 42
112600563 Shoulderplates of Ascension 42
112600605 Watch's Shoulderplates 42
112600672 Researcher's Shoulderplates 42
112600735 Perento's Shoulderplates 42
113600342 Dimensional Greaves 42
113600350 Greaves of Ascension 42
113600556 Dimensional Greaves 42