Niv ~

List of weapons (showing 25 of 7306 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
101500281 Brutish Staff 40
101500390 Baza's Staff 40
101500458 White Dragon's Staff 40
101500468 Black Dragon's Staff 40
101500558 Anund's Staff 40
101700132 Noble Durable Ulmus Bow 40
101700137 Worthy Durable Ulmus Bow 40
101700167 Bladeclaw's Longbow 40
101700181 Noble Durable Salix Bow 40
101700186 Worthy Durable Salix Bow 40
101700219 Makama's Longbow 40
101700288 Sainted Bow 40
101700294 Brutish Bow 40
101700471 White Dragon's Bow 40
101700481 Black Dragon's Bow 40
101700580 Anund's Bow 40
100000160 Demise Sword 39
100000170 Corrupting Sword 39
100000278 Kint's Sword 39
100000444 Demise Sword 39
100000445 Demise Sword 39
100000464 Corrupting Sword 39
100000465 Corrupting Sword 39
100000508 Dalloki's Sword 39
100000577 Melita's Sword 39