Niv ~

List of weapons (showing 25 of 7306 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
100600298 Ebon Tome 50
100600394 Time Book 50
100600395 Time Book 50
100600396 Time Book 50
100600412 Void Book 50
100600413 Void Book 50
100600414 Void Book 50
100600494 Noble Wise Dragon's Tome 50
100600495 Wise Dragon King's Tome 50
100600504 Noble Dark Dragon's Tome 50
100600505 Dark Dragon King's Tome 50
100600557 Veteran Guardian General's Holy Book 50
100600558 Veteran Guardian General's Evil Book 50
100600601 Gust Tome 50
100600602 Noble Gust Tome 50
100600634 Spellbook_N_L1_50B 50
100600772 Chimerical Tome (14 days) 50
100600811 Ebbing Tome (14 days) 50
100600890 Veteran Hunter's Tome 50
100600891 Antiquarian's Tome 50
100900248 Worthy Noble Durable Orichalcum Greatsword 50
100900250 Expert Durable Orichalcum Greatsword 50
100900260 Worthy Noble Durable Orichalcum Greatsword 50
100900262 Expert Durable Orichalcum Greatsword 50
100900270 Wealthy Greatsword 50