Niv ~

List of weapons (showing 25 of 7306 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
100500378 Destructive Jewel 40
100500457 Noble White Dragon's Orb 40
100500458 White Dragon King's Orb 40
100500467 Noble Black Dragon's Orb 40
100500468 Black Dragon King's Orb 40
100500517 Novice Guardian General's Holy Jewel 40
100500518 Novice Guardian General's Evil Jewel 40
100500714 Abstract Sphere (14 days) 40
100500754 Spiritual Sphere (14 days) 40
100600147 Worthy Noble Durable Truth Tome 40
100600151 Expert Durable Truth Tome 40
100600170 Andre's Tome 40
100600171 Taran's Tome 40
100600194 Worthy Noble Durable Truth Tome 40
100600199 Expert Durable Truth Tome 40
100600224 Bitter Ice Tome 40
100600291 Heavenly God's Tome 40
100600297 Devil's Tome 40
100600388 Justice Book 40
100600389 Justice Book 40
100600390 Justice Book 40
100600406 Destructive Book 40
100600407 Destructive Book 40
100600408 Destructive Book 40
100600490 Noble White Dragon's Tome 40