Niv ~

List of weapons (showing 25 of 7306 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
101300453 Black Dragon King's Polearm 40
101300491 Novice Guardian General's Holy Spear 40
101300492 Novice Guardian General's Evil Spear 40
101300670 Abstract Lance (14 days) 40
101300707 Spiritual Lance (14 days) 40
101500135 Worthy Noble Durable Ulmus Staff 40
101500139 Expert Durable Ulmus Staff 40
101500158 Andre's Staff 40
101500159 Krall Grand Chieftain's Staff 40
101500182 Worthy Noble Durable Salix Staff 40
101500187 Expert Durable Salix Staff 40
101500209 Nuaka's Staff 40
101500278 Heavenly God's Staff 40
101500284 Devil's Staff 40
101500362 Justice Staff 40
101500363 Justice Staff 40
101500364 Justice Staff 40
101500380 Destructive Staff 40
101500381 Destructive Staff 40
101500382 Destructive Staff 40
101500443 Fortune's Branch 40
101500459 Noble White Dragon's Staff 40
101500460 White Dragon King's Staff 40
101500469 Noble Black Dragon's Staff 40
101500470 Black Dragon King's Staff 40