Niv ~

List of weapons (showing 25 of 7306 entries)
Showing entries
ID   Item name Level Race
100500206 King's Jewel 38
100500237 Fallen Legionary's Jewel 38
100500427 Fallen Legionary's Jewel 38
100500432 Fallen Legionary's Jewel 38
100600221 King's Tome 38
100600253 Fallen Legionary's Tome 38
100600458 Fallen Legionary's Tome 38
100600463 Fallen Legionary's Tome 38
100600637 Penteros's Diary 38
100600638 Harmilden's Diary 38
100900150 Penteros's Greatsword 38
100900199 King's Greatsword 38
100900230 Fallen Legionary's Greatsword 38
100900421 Fallen Legionary's Greatsword 38
100900426 Fallen Legionary's Greatsword 38
101300147 Penteros's Spear 38
101300196 King's Spear 38
101300227 Fallen Legionary's Spear 38
101300413 Fallen Legionary's Spear 38
101300418 Fallen Legionary's Spear 38
101500207 King's Staff 38
101500239 Fallen Legionary's Staff 38
101500429 Fallen Legionary's Staff 38
101500434 Fallen Legionary's Staff 38
101700218 King's Longbow 38